Looking for others using the Arduino BrickPixel shield

I'm just starting into a very large project using an Arduino controlled BrickPixel system.  Am looking for some sort of community of users that I might be able to ask questions of, contribute to and bounce ideas off of.

This is my first project using an Arduino, so I'm a newbie there.  I am able to do basic programming, but nothing sophisticated.  I generally can hack together something that works, but it won't be efficient and may even be a totally incorrect approach.

If anyone is interested or can point me in the right direction, please let me know.

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  • As a programmer, I'd say don't recreate the wheel. It's very possible and maybe even likely that somewhere on the web someone has already written code to do whatever your code is intended to do, or a reasonable similarity. If you can't find something specific with what you're trying to write, try to break it down into some smaller components and search for those.


    For the record, I'm not familiar with programming Arduino code, but generally speaking once you've learned how to program, it's just a matter of learning the syntax and/or command structure of the language you're working within.


    Good luck!

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    • WRTyler
    • -the National Mall guy-
    • wrTyler
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Thanks Greg.  Currently, I'm doing just as you suggest...finding enough bits and pieces that others have coded and then figuring out how to put it together for what I want to do.  Turns out that programming the Arduino is like going back home as it's basically C / C++.  Decades ago I was somewhat proficient with C, so it's turned out to be easier than I thought it was going to be.

    Thanks for the encouragement!

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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