7" video screen

Windows won't recognize device as USB when USB connected.

Tried this on 2 different windows computers and same message.

States the device is defective.

The device acts like it is connected to a power source and plays the stock video.


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  • Hi Stacy, thanks for your note.  Sorry about the trouble with the screen.  Can you let me know:

    1.  Are you using the USB cable that came with the screen?  (Longer cables can cause issues)
    2.  Are you connecting the unit directly to your computer and not through a USB hub (even a powered hub)?
    3.  If the answers to #1 and #2 are "yes" then can you try using a different USB cable, even if it is longer, and connecting directly to the computer (not to a hub)?

    Thank you.

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  • 3 yrs agoTue. May 25, 2021 - 8:46 pmLast active
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