Engine light for A-Wing 75275

Inspired by your description of a “round LED board” for the Star Destroyer engine, I started to workshop on a proof of concept for the A-Wing. I only had 6 spare pico LEDs to play with, but here it is:

  And after some additional cutting:
  This is the result:

 I found the rear part of the engine a bit dull, so I moved 2 LED to the rear center part:

  But maybe is a bit to much, compared to some images on the net, like:

A final version of this engine front setup will most likely be made by soldering a ring of four pico LEDs from a panel, so it will only require one connection.

I’m using the LEC i Jet mode,  but I can’t really detect any difference between the two channels.


What will your “round LED board” look like? Dimensions? I have just got the Star Destroyer, so I’m waiting for your set. 😉

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  • Hi Svend, great work!  Here are some photos of the two rings we have almost ready for production.  I pulled down my own A-Wing to show the size comparison.

    The first ring is somewhat small-- originally designed for the Snowspeeder but might work on the A-Wing also:

         The second one is larger:

       Both rings have lights where the colors can be individually set, so plenty of possibility to do pulsing engine lights, different colors (yellow/white) and any other combinations.


    What do you think?

  • Rob Klingberg Very nice - my snowspeeder needs light too 😃 especially those huge lasercannons.

    Back to topic: yes this is what I was thinking of.

    Are these RGB LEDs needing a new kind of LEC or?

    The larger on is what I would prefer, but for the A-Wing I thing RGB LEDs might be a bit over the top. Ordinary white LEDs might be enough (read: less expensive?)

  • Svend Erik Nissen Hi Svend, glad you like them!  Yes, they will require a new LEC as they are RGB LEDs.  Actually these are less expensive than the normal white LEDs we use, if you can believe it!

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