Disney Lego Castle

Question? If I wanted to add more interior lights into the control of the radio remote, how do I go about that? Like if I want to add lights to when the clock tower turns on. 

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  • Thanks Scott Hartlett for the question.  You would be able to add as many additional lights as you wanted by piggybacking off the OUT1 plug on the TRUNK08 master controller.  This is the same plug that powers the light behind the front castle panel (Step 48 in the installation instructions).  You would then have additional lights that would turn on and off along with the panel light.  To add lights here, you could use any of our expansion adapter boards, connecting cables, and lights to split the output going to the light strip to add additional plugs and lights.

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  • Thank you so much. Is there any chance you have any specs on that main board. I’ve bought both interior and exterior plus the spilt-level and fireworks addons. Also for the other “outs” on that board is there a max on how many lights I can put on it

  • Scott Hartlett Hi Scott, sure, please see the attached PDF document.  This shows all the lighting connections in the castle kit-- since you don't have the kit yet, this may do more to confuse you than help :-) but I wanted to share it so you can see how things connect.

    In the upper right corner of the diagram, you see the control board.   Additional lights can only be connected to the four plugs along the top-- these are labeled Light Strip, Chandelier, Torch 1, and Torch 2 in the drawing.  You could connect additional lights to the Chandelier, Torch 1, and Torch 2 plugs, but these flicker, so you'd just get more flickering lights (which might work for you).  This is why I recommended extending the Light Strip connector.  There is a practical limit of additional lights of around 100, but I'm guessing you don't want to add that many. :-)

    All of the other lights in the castle (those on the various "pixel chains" in the diagram) use a different setup, and they are controlled centrally from the main board.  You cannot add more lights in these "chains" because of the way they are set up, so the only option is to add to one of the four main plugs on the top of the board as mentioned above.

    Hopefully this helps-- I think this will all make more sense when you have received your kit and can see the parts firsthand.  You can also add lights post-installation, so you could do this after installing the main light kit as well.

  • Rob Klingberg so helpful. Thank you so much. 

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