Connector model numbers

In the interests of creating compatible cables at custom lengths to expand on these products - I was wondering if anyone knew/could tell me what the model numbers were for the Brickstuff connectors (& possibly/especially the other ones like lighttailings, etc)

From one of the brickstuff products, they mention: "NOTE: these adapters have standard Brickstuff connecting plugs, which are larger than plugs used by other systems such as Light My Bricks, Briksmax, Game of Bricks, Lightailing, LeLightGo, and others.  This product can work with those systems by using one of our BRANCH03 adapters to convert the large plug to a small plug connection."

So perhaps someone knows what all these connectors are? So making custom cable lengths, expansions, interop, etc, more feasible?

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    • Josh
    • Josh
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Rob Klingberg can correct me on this, but I believe they are JST LF or SN connectors.

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  • Sorry for the delay in responding.  We're about to release a full line of adapters that will allow customers to connect "any brand" to "any brand," so I think that need will be addressed.  Plus, most of these connectors don't allow wire-to-wire mounting, so in many cases PCBs are required.

    In terms of the connectors we use, they are either JST-SH (large) or JST-SUR (small).  If you're looking to make your own cables, be sure to check out our bulk wire spools-- we have the wire custom made for us, so this may also be difficult to find in the correct gauge.

    Hope this helps!

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    • maplevolt
    • maplevolt
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Rob Klingberg said:
    We're about to release a full line of adapters that will allow customers to connect "any brand" to "any brand,"

    Greetings!  When do you realistically expect these adapters to be available?  

    Because that's a game changer - maybe even bigger than your Vertical Power Connectors!

    My light sets are about 50/50 Brickstuff/Light My Bricks. I'm rebuilding a city which gives me the chance to optimize the layout and connections - an adapter would be incredible.

    (OT, I received the 2.4" Basic Video Player today and it's pretty darn amazing. Just wanted to say, good on Brickstuff for making those types of screens.)

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  • maplevolt Thanks for the feedback on the screens!  Happy you like them.  🙂

    For the adapters, I'm doing my darndest to get them up on the website this week!  Already have the first batch made, so if you're cool getting them in a bag without fancy packaging, I can put them up in the next couple of days.  They're fairly self-explanatory in terms of usage. 😉

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    • maplevolt
    • maplevolt
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Rob Klingberg Thanks for the speedy reply! I'll keep an eye out. Rather than bog you down here with questions about price and number adapters per unit, I can wait a week or two till they're officially listed (as I'll likely need some other items, too ;) )

    Thanks, Rob and your team - you're doing amazing things here!


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