New Millennium Falcon # 75192

We've received many questions about our plans for a lighting kit for the beautiful new Millennium Falcon (LEGO set #75192).  We have developed a kit for this model that includes not only lights, but SOUND as well.

We're working to get the kits ready for shipment beginning in February 2018.  There are so many amazing features in the kit that we had to create a website dedicated just to the kit:

Plenty of photos, videos (with sound!) and detail about this amazing kit.

I'm starting this new Forum post so anyone out there who either has the set or who has ideas about what they'd like to see in a lighting and sound kit can let us know.  We're still early in the process, so make your voice known!

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  • So with the USB option you are charging batteries as well?

    So it wouldnt have to plugged in all the time?

  • Wayne Goguen That's right.  You can use two large-capacity USB batteries (we use these at our shows and they work great).  You'll still need two batteries but once they're charged, you'll be able to locate them under the table (or in some other location inside the table) and power the Falcon from them.

    I love the table by the way!  Thank you for sharing.  You have a beautiful setup.

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  • Thanks for your time and quick responses.  I will check out those batteries and you will be hearing from me in regards to your kit. 

    Like 1
  • Hi,

    I'm interested in purchasing the premium kit, but can't seem to decide which  power supply to purchase. Do you happen to have pictures of the USB powered kit? I'm wondering how visible the wires are if it were to be mounted externally.

  • 🤗I'm looking foward to receive my Pre-Order

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  • Weikin Chong Hi, thank you for your post.  We're still working on photos for the assembly guide, but the USB cables are a bit thick, and white, so they would be visible exiting the bottom of the ship.  Another option is to add a 4-pack of 24" cables (which are black and very thin) and a 4-pack of BRANCH04 1:2 expansion adapters-- this way, you could have just the two thin black wires coming out of the ship, and you could connect these to the USB cables inside a base or under/away from the Falcon.  The black wires are almost invisible compared to the size of the Falcon.  Here's an example of the black wires so you can see how thin they are:


    So you could buy the kit and just add these two items to your order:

    1. 24" cables 4-pack
    2. BRANCH04 adapters 4-pack

    Then you'd be all set!

    I hope this information is helpful-- please let us know if you have any additional questions.

    Thank you for your interest in our kits!

  • I have pre ordered the core sound and light kit. How many USB power cable do I need and can I add to my order? Thanks.😊

  • Pre ordered the Premium All in one Kit with Dual USB power supply this morning! Can't wait for April! Now to get planning on the coffee table and docking bay !

    Like 1
  • Tom Moisey Awesome, thank you so much for buying the kit!

  • Adrian Love Hi, thank you very much for your purchase! You'll need two USB power cords (one for the sound components and the other for the lights). We can create a coupon code for free shipping that you can use to place a new order for the USB cables, then we'll ship everything together when your order is ready. Just send us an e-mail (support(at) with your order number and we'll get it taken care of.

  • Rob Klingberg Can I plug the USB cable right into a Branch 4 1:2 adapter? then run a 24 inches thin black cable from the other end of that Branch 4 to the power input of the infrared control module that is inside my flacon?

      is the plug the same size as the one with the 24 inches thin black?  I thought the power cable was a bit bigger than that...that would solve my problem hiding the white USB cable from coming down the falcon through the table...

  • Wayne Goguen Nice... custom cabinet or you bought it like this?

  • Christian Nanini it was a custom build.  I am very happy how it turned out. 

  • Hi everyone!  Today I finished taking the photos that will go into the assembly instructions for our Falcon light and sound kit.  Almost 300 photos in total!  Now, time to condense those all down into an instruction book that makes sense.  Gotta put on a large pot of coffee or two! 😀

     I thought everyone might want to see how our light and sound kits are shaping up.  We have finalized the parts list and finalized the configuration of the kits.  The photo above shows the 17 bags and boxes of parts that will go into the kits.  It's our largest kit ever, and I know people are going to love it.

  • Awesome! Can't wait for mine to arrive :D

    Quick question, its relating to another project I've got planned but what is the hight of the adaptor boards and LEC units ? I have a scene planned that i want to build, but have all the wires and controllers hidden within the lego.


  • Tom Moisey That may be an "it depends" question - the 2:1 adapters are the size of a 2x2 plate (studs included, though I don't have it in front of me), so you'd be looking at a 1-2 plate height void (minimally one for the adapter itself, but I *think* you'd need the clearance of two, unless the underlying layer was a tile - sans studs - for clearance.

    Some of the LECs - flashing beacon, flickering torch - are this same footprint (2x2 plate).  The Single Function LEC is a 2x6 plate size.  With both, you'll need the clearance on either end for wires to enter and exit, of course.

    As always, Rob Klingberg  will keep me honest, but as rough estimates (not in front of my BrickStuff stuff right now), that should get you into the ballpark -- and depending on the size and complexity, some consideration for a wire channel / path is a worthy consideration... this would help avoid the pains I'm currently going through when you want to rearrange, expand, or - gasp - troubleshoot pinched wires.

  • Paul George Thanks for the info! Should fit with my plans. The main scene will be built on a base frame of bricks and technic beams, so i can keep the control modules underneath and run the wires out of sight as well.

  • Hey, as the release date approches I have a few though important questions (I believe):

    1- Prices are in US dolars?

    2- Do you ship to Brazil? Does it goes with an international tracking number?

    3- Is it possible to have the kit powered with USB chargers and later on change powering to Lego PF batteries? Or do I have to commit to a powering option upon time of order?

  • Floriano Paes Hello, and thanks for your posting.  To answer your questions:

    1. Yes, prices are in USD.
    2. We definitely could ship to Brazil.  I'd recommend using International Priority Mail, which would be free with the purchase of the Falcon kit.  Just make sure to select Priority Mail at checkout.  This does provide an international tracking number.
    3. You do not have to commit to a permanent powering option now.  If you buy the USB version and want to switch to PF later, you'd just need to buy two of our PF power supplies (and LEGO batteries of course).

    Please let us know if you have any additional questions, and thank you for your interest in our Falcon kit!

  • Rob Klingberg thanks for the prompt reply. Do you have a time limit for the "free international shipping" offer?

  • Floriano Paes Hi for the Premium Kits like the Falcon, we are likely to keep the free shipping.

  • So I've got my pre-order in and I just got my Falcon this weekend. Would it be possible to go ahead and download the instructions for the lighting kit so I can anticipate where things are going to go when the lights ship in June?  Thank you, Eric.

  • Rob Klingberg Re: USB vs PF, I was under the impression that the main difference between the USB and PF were just the specialized cables needed to connect the Lego batteries. So there's an actual power supply that needs to be in there as well?

  • Eric Stiff with USB, you don't use LEGO batteries but can connect the cables either to two USB power banks or to two mains adapters (like iPhone/iPad type chargers).  With the PF power option you can use two LEGO batteries and have them located inside the Falcon.  With USB, power is external.  More information about power is available on the FAQ page of the Falcon site: .

    I hope this information helps answer your questions-- let me know if there's anything else we can help with, and thank you for your order!

  • Rob Klingberg I think I'm just confused about the PF version simultaneously needing power supplies and batteries.

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