Beetle and Camper Van lights and remote.

Hi Guys, having built the large beetle and camper.

Then finding your light kits on the video, what is the shopping list required to light up both? :)

I will be powering from a usb battery power supply and would like to have it on a display shelf.

So would like to utilise the remote feature too :)

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  • Hi james may , thank you for your post!  When you say you'd like to use the remote functions, do you mean the vehicle-specific functions like turn signals, etc. as shown in this video?  Or just the on/off functions provided by our standard remote receiver?  The parts list is a bit different depending on the options you'd like.  Please let us know-- happy to help!

    • james may
    • james_may
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Rob Klingberg  as per the video would be good. Would one remote and receiver board do both kits? Or would I need two receiver boards paired to one remote?

    • james may
    • james_may
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Rob Klingberg hi Rob I know you are busy like everyone else, just to ask I would like to do the same as the set up in the YouTube video with individual indicators etc. And the same thing on my campervan set.

    would there be scope to run interior lights (to show interior details) also to be activated on the remote or would you do those on a separate on/off circuit?

    if you would be able to do a list (Or price up costs) of what I need to purchase to do this that would be fantastic.

    order being put in for welding set as I think it is amazing 😊

  • james may Thanks for your order of the welding kit!  That's one of my favorites.

    Sorry for the delay in responding to your question about the Beetle and camper.  You would need one controller for each setup, but one remote could control them both (just don't put them close together where the remote triggers both at the same time!).

    The remote circuit has four channels.  Two of them are used by the blinkers (L + R), leaving two channels open for whatever you want to control with them.  You could do headlights on one channel and interior lights on the other, and both would then be controllable via the remote.  We just finalized the code this week for the lighting kit we're making for the Technic Mercedes Arocs kit, so I can do a quick work-up next week for you on both models.  Sound like a plan?

    Like 1
    • james may
    • james_may
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Rob Klingberg  thank you that'll be great.  Can't wait.

    • james may
    • james_may
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Rob Klingberg Hi Rob 

    Sorry just a little nudge :)

    This is the setup I would like two of, changed mind and will go with the rechargeable battery option :).

    I'm sure the Beetle setup will fit inside Camper as not a massive difference in size. :)

    Could you email me please @

  • james may Thanks for the nudge-- will be in touch via e-mail.

    Like 1
  • Hi - I'd be very interested to get an itemized pricing of items for the lighting on the Lego VW camper.

  • Dana Casto Hi Dana, thank you for your message!  Are you interested in having remote control for turn signals, headlights, etc. or just a basic light kit?

  • Hi Rob Klingberg - if possible, I’d like to consider both options: basic light kit and then a kit that involves the remote for turn signals, headlights, etc. thanks!

  • Dana Casto Hi Dana, thank you.  I'll work up a proposal and e-mail to you soon.  What's the best e-mail to reach you?

  • Thanks,    Rob Klingberg . Just sent you a private message with my email. 

  • Dana Casto Thank you!

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