LED lights and magnets?

BrickStuff's lighting products look awesome! I am considering using a range of them in a non-LEGO project. For that purpose I was thinking of using tiny round magnets (1 mm thick, 2 or 3 mm in diameter - no bigger than a LEGO knob) to secure the BrickStuff LED strips and boards to walls and ceilings - just so that I can easily remove them and be more flexible in my lighting configurations.

 Will the use of magnets harm the electronics in the lights or the LEDs themselves in any way? Should I perhaps mount the lights to cardboard pieces and glue te magnets to that  - instead of sticking them on the adhesive materials you provide - as extra insulation/protection?


Any help is greatly appreciated!

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  • Hi Leon, thanks for your post!  Magnets shouldn't harm the LEDs themselves.  I wouldn't attach magnets to any circuit boards (our effect controllers, for example) as these may damage the parts onboard, but for lights they should work.  Give it a try, and let us know your results.  If for some reason the magnets do damage the LEDs, we'll be happy either to take the kit back or send you replacements.

  • Rob Klingberg Thanks for the reassurance, Rob! I was planning on using the magnets to attach an LEC under the turn table on which I am mounting my diorama piece as well, but with your advice in mind I'll think of another solution.

    I now see that you have a UK seller as well. I'll order through them, as that will likely save me a hefty amount of import duties and whatnot. Great arrangement!

  • Leon van Schoonneveldt Sounds great.  Let us know if you have any questions or trouble.

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