Compatibility with LightMyBricks

I purchased LightMyBrick's kit for Hogwarts but I'd like to control the lights with an Arduino. Your shield looks incredibly interesting but is it compatible with components from LightMyBricks? I noticed in your post for plans throughout 2023 you mentioned converters for cross-manufactuer compatibility but I don't see any mention of LightMyBricks under your products page.

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  • Hi, and thank you for your question.  We do sell conversion cables and adapters that make all of our products compatible with LMB.  In general, if one of our parts has a small plug (same size as the LMB plugs), then it will work with no conversion needed.  If it has a large plug (like on some of our older products and also on the Arduino shield, then you have two options:

    1. Purchase some conversion cables to change the large plug to a small plug.
    2. Purchase a combination of connecting cables with large plugs and conversion adapters.

    The key is getting to a "small plug"-- from there you're fully compatible.

    I hope this is helpful-- please let us know if you have any additional questions!

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