Airbus H175 Rescue Helicopter - Lego 42145

Hello everyone! I'm about to put together the Airbus H175 Rescue Helicopter and use the aircraft lights,  4-Channel Micro Effect Controller with Aircraft Lighting Effects,

to light it up a little. I need some suggestions on what power supply I can use that is small enough to fit inside the helo with not wires hanging out.   With Lego changing to the new Power Function connectors, I'm gonna have to get creative, lol.

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  • would the Mini Rechargeable Battery Power Supply with Switch be enough to light up the  4-Channel Micro Effect Controller with Aircraft Lighting Effects?

  • Rick rivera Hi Rick, thank you for your note and apologies for the delayed reply!  We'll soon be introducing a new all-in-one kit for aircraft lighting with a new, smaller battery pack-- that should be out by the end of May.  If that battery pack isn't small enough, I would recommend our coin cell battery pack.  In theory the Mini Rechargeable battery pack should work, but because of the quick changes in voltage with the strobing aircraft lights, I'm thinking the runtime on that pack might be lower than it would be if you had it connected to always-on lights.

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