BrickStuff LCD screen for "optical display" project @^:^@

Hello from France

Really sorry if some phrases goes wrong, but my English is not perfect and I learn every days when I try to exchange with people talking English ðŸ˜“ and I use GOOGLE TRANSLATOR too when I don't sure with some words or phrases construction...But translators are not really exact on some phrases...So, sorry! 

I'm a characters creator: drawing, 3D modeling and clay modeling

There is my ARTSTATION link to see some works :


I need to work on a project but I haven't knowledges on electronic stuffs...

I search a tiny LCD screen (or display) to create an optical device for a big size statue: an futuristic soldier (one of my characters on 1st photo)

This device look a like between a GOOGLE GLASS mixed with the optical device in the movie UNIVERSAL SOLDIER, and also a SMART GLASS...

I show you some photos to see exactly what I'm talking about:




It will be displaying informations like TERMINATOR's scanner vision (I will create this animation on AFTER EFFECTS softawre) like this:


On my researches, I found BRICKSTUFF mini LCD screens, it's for this reason I'm here...AND GOOD SURPRISE THERE IS A FORUM TO TALK WIH PEOPLE ! :p

Someone can tell me if it's possible to hack like this:


 to get it transparent the BRICKSTUFF screen:   LCD BrickScreen 80x160 - DRADIS or other tiny LCD colored screen?


Thank you verey much! @^:^@

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  • Hi, and thank you for your post.  That is a very nice screen you've found.  That video module is 1.6" by 1", so larger than the Google Glass screen but probably about the same size as the Universal Soldier screen.

    If you can make the animation, we could likely create a driver board for the transparent OLED screen.  The issue would be that the frame rate supported would only be about 5FPS, so in your animation you could only make slow motion, not full-speed video.  If that works, it would be worth a try.

    One last thing about these video displays.  When placed close to your eye, you will not be able to see anything.  The types of displays made for close-up viewing are highly specialized and very expensive.  Typically $200 just for the video module.  They also only support video input like you'd connect from a DVD player, so we would not be able to take your AE file and play it back through these screens.  You'd need to have a separate video player that was capable of generating an NTSC or PAL video signal like a DVD player, or HDMI.

    So, we could probably make a setup that would work for your application in terms of something other people would look at and see something playing on the transparent screen from a distance, but the person wearing the screen would not be able to see anything-- just a blurry fuzz on the screen.

    Hopefully this helps.  Let us know what you think!

    • 3D character creator
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hello Rob!😊
    Thank you to reply and try to help! ;p
    This optical accessory is not for me but for my 65cm tall statue I have shown you in the previous message (the 10cm tall head) so, I need to have a 0,96" (maybe, not sure)
    It the reason I ask if your tiny screens are "hackable" to goes transparents @^:^@

    And for the speed of the video, it need full-speed  :( because the informations will be fast and changing every time...

  • SERRASALMUS Thank you for the clarification.  Regarding the 0.96" screens we sell, they are pre-mounted onto the circuit board with strong tape.  You could try removing them and modifying the coating on the back, like in the video you sent, but we would not guarantee the screens would not be damaged in this process.  Unfortunately there is no way for us to order them from the manufacturer without the strong tape.

    • 3D character creator
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Rob Klingberg 

    Oh that's a shame! I don't want to buy a product without being sure that it works😓 ... Thanks anyway ...

    Maybe you can show me the "power supply" of the 0.96 "screen to see what size it is and see if I can adjust it by tweaking it a little so that it can fit into the hearing aid (" headphones ") and if I can get it from you?

    Thanks Rob!

  • SERRASALMUS Hi, any of our power supplies will work, with the exception of our coin cell battery pack. You can find them here:

    • 3D character creator
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Rob Klingberg 

    Sorry my friend, I want to say "that's a pity", not " that's a shame" ðŸ˜…

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