Magnetic Switch Set with a Coin Battery Pack

I am thinking of using a Coin Battery pack in a build that will be a little difficult to get to. I am wondering if I leave the Coin Battery Pack in the ON state, but have this Magnetic Switch Disconnected (OFF), will that still drain the Coin Pack battery?

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  • As long as the magnetic switch is connected directly in line with the battery power, when it is "open" (off), there shouldn't be any battery drain.  That's basically the same as using the on/off switch inside the battery pack itself.

  • Thank you, when do you expect the new magnetic switch to be available? Im also interested in the timeline for the new RF board/receiver and the audio boards availabilites.

  • Keith Huggins For the new mag switch, we're going to be offering it in two forms:

    1. Control board with switch connected.  This will provide both "normally open" and "normally closed" functionality (2 outputs).  It will consume some power even when the lights are off.
    2. Just the little magnetic switch (normally open).  You could wire this directly into the battery pack power line, and that would give "true" off when disconnected.

    I  have the new mag switch boards in house-- just need to make them, take pictures, and put onto the website.  Same with the "raw" magnetic switches.  Should be up in the next several weeks.

    Same with the RF remote and receiver-- just putting the finishing touches on the code for that.  It's been more challenging than usual with the COVID-19 office closures and shelter-in-place orders, so we're working remotely and making what we can at home.

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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