[WIP] Space-themed automated train layout

This is the documentation topic for my attempt to build a space-themed Lego train layout, light it with Brickstuff, and automate it with 4dbrix products and a Raspberry Pi. I have a.so set myself the challenge of doing it with the parts and electronics I curently have, as much as possible, so we'll see how it goes.

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  • Hi everybody, sorry I haven’t posted on here recently. I should have more updates soon as we move into summer. Quick teaser: 6axis robot arm!

  • Jeremiah Shue 😍

  • Unfortunately 4DBRIX  has become a DIY platform 

  • Unfortunately 4DBRIX  has become a DIY platform so I may have to make my own train controllers. I got some 9v track and the converter cable so I can run it off my ev3. I’m also waiting for the Brickstuff Arduino shield to automate my lights. The robot arm will load and unload the trains.

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  • New track layout. The right spiral is both the loading area for the arm and the ramp up to the elevated railway

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
  • 30Replies
  • 155Views
  • 2 Following