
I am thinking about trying to create a working Batsignal that has a much higher power than anything Lego or any toy company has released. Now that I see these billboards I am wondering about using one of those to be the signal on the side of a building with a batsignal like the one that came with the ultimate Batmobile set to have the appearance of a working Batsignal. Thoughts? I am very  new to the whole custom lighting concept and have never attempted to light a set or have ever really worked with lights or wiring, this just seems like a fairly easy way to do this.

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  • That's a pretty nifty notion Paul Thompson , though with a name like that, I'd expect nothing less.

    Are you thinking it would be projected "on" to the lighted billboard, or more of a beam of light (say, with a teeny tiny bat cutout over a light, like when we were kids and put a cut-out over a flashlight to light up a triangle or whatever).

    I'm hardly the engineer around here, but knowing the vision may toss some fuel on the fire of creativity all around.  🙂

  • I was thinking it would look like it was projecting but it was the actual billboard that was the bat-signal, to do it the way they actually do that in reality you have to know how far away the image has to be from the light. I  have tried the home made batsignal but the image is always fuzzy. and I don't imagine Lego will ever do any lights except the bricks which are nowhere near bright enough.

  • Paul Thompson Thanks for your posting.  Definitely an interesting approach to the problem!  The issue I'd see with the approach is that the billboards use electroluminescent material that has a blue hue to it-- for that reason you can't really get a "white" color when everything is dark and the billboard is on.  The other issue would be licensing (can't make a billboard with a registered trademark).

  • Rob Klingberg can't do it anyway but it would just be yellow and black.

  • Paul Thompson It would be cool indeed!

  • oh well at least we can imagine it and no-one is out time or money. did not know something like that could be trademarked

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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