
My name is Bryan and I am an AFOL from Chicago.  I'm lucky enough to count lego photography as both hobby and profession. I work for a company here called Citizen Brick that produces custom lego minifigures and along with our friends at Brickstuff are road warriors on the lego convention circuit, it's always a pleasure to see their familiar faces. That being said I'm here as a fan of Brickstuff and to talk about the cool stuff you can do with their lights!

I work with Dragonframe a lot in non lego work I do, and it is actually thanks to DF that I emerged from my Lego "Dark Age". I've had a lot of fun using DMX control in Dragonframe to control Brickstuff lights. While I haven't had a lot of time to do demos of what you can do with DMX, I'm hoping to do more in the near future. I'm in the process of wiring my modular buildings with lights in the hopes of having floor by floor dimming control and will do my best to document that process.  If you are into brickfilming with Dragonframe and have any questions about DMX and how it can work with Brickstuff lighting feel free to ask! 

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  • Thanks Bryan for joining the forum.  Please keep us posted on your DMX work-- I know others would love to know how to make our lights work with Dragonframe!

  • I've been wanting to experiment with DMX lighting control for the animation we do here, just haven't had time or resources. I'd love to see a tutorial or primer

  • Welcome here Bryan!

  • Welcome aboard Bryan!  Hope you find some useful information here and we look forward to you sharing your creations with us!

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  • 8 yrs agoLast active
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