UCS Tie Fighter # 75095

Rear engines using red studs with a flicker mode.  Front cannons using green studs with a sequenced cannon mode.  Cockpit has two Pico lights; red stud in the back corner, then a stacked blue/yellow stud under the controls.  Stacking the translucent studs can get some great color effects!  

Mounted to the wall using a swinging TV mount. 

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  • Brett, thanks again for sharing-- I'm guessing you have a pretty awesome LEGO setup in your house!  I love the way you mount your models to the wall.  Would you be willing to share more details (products/parts you use, how you attach to LEGO, etc.) to our DIY forum?

  • Rob Klingberg sure thing Rob.  I actually just recently got back into Lego (since I was a kid), so not too many sets, but all good ones! 


    I owe the forums a post on using Pico LEDs with flat plates as well as now some wall mounting solutions. Will try to get to it this week!

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  • 7 yrs agoLast active
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