Death Star Final Duel 75093


I'm looking for suggestions on lighting LEGO set 75093, the Death Star Final Duel.  This will be my first experience of Brickstuff, so I'm looking for something simple but effective.  I also have the Death Star 75159 for a future project but thought I'd better start with something smaller.

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  • Hi Neil Goodman , thanks for posting on our forum!  That set has lots of great potential for lighting.  We don't have it here in our shop, but from looking at the assembly instructions, we can think of a number of approaches you might take.  Of course it depends on how much you want to spend, how detailed you're looking to make it, etc.

    The simplest and lowest-cost option would be to get one of our Headlight QuicKits, which provides a coin cell battery pack, a 4-port adapter, and two warm white LEDs.  With this, you could put the two LEDs inside the trans-light blue round 2x2 bricks at the bases of the glowing towers in the set, so they would light up.  You could then add up to two additional LEDs to the set and rum them from the same power source.  Our white flashing Pico LEDs would be good, as these could be placed under any of the trans-red round 1x1 bricks along the base of the set to create flashing lights (even though the LEDs are white, placing them under a transparent element makes them the color of that element).  Again, this would be the simplest way to start.

    If you wanted to use more LEDs and effects, you could start with our Lighting Effect Starter kit, which has a battery pack, six warm white Pico LEDs, and an effect controller with 12 pre-programmed effects (one effect can be active).  Both the battery pack and the effect controller can power up to 100 LEDs, so you could add additional lights as needed.

    Again, as with so many LEGO sets, the approach to take with lighting depends on many factors, including cost, the overall look you're wanting to achieve, and the level of detail you want in the finished model.

    Either of the options above would be good ways to start.  I hope this information is helpful-- please let us know if you have any additional questions.  Thanks again for your question!

  • Hi Rob, thanks for the information.  I hadn't considered the headlight set as an option, but that makes a lot of sense.  It's much cheaper than the starter kits I was considering, and they're actually in stock at your EU supplier (which I live about 30 minutes away from) which means I don't need to wait for a stock update or pay day!

    I'll post an update once I've got something to show, or if I have questions.  Thanks again.

  • Neil Goodman Perfect, I'm glad that solution might work for you.  Please keep us updated!

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