43197: The Ice Castle


I am not a fan of Frozen, but when LEGO released set number 43197 The Ice Castle, I knew right away that it is impressive. Then I saw a video review on it and with the transparency that it emits, this set screams to be lit up. Do you have any plans to release a kit or are there any ideas what to use to allow the light to shine through, and change colors like the Disney Castle 71040 already does? Thanks for any input.


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  • Hi Tracy, thanks for the note.  Yeah, we've had our eye on that set as well.  One one hand, it truly could have some amazing light-up potential.  On the other hand, would enough people be interested in a premium kit for it?  With the Disney castle, this was a no-brainer.  With a Frozen castle, I don't know.  We haven't purchased it and currently have such a huge backlog that it's not on our list to evaluate anytime soon, but if you do pick it up and have specific suggestions, please send them our way-- we're definitely open to ideas.

    One possible idea, though it's decidedly low-tech: our color-changing light string with multiple modes might be a good fit, though without seeing the castle I couldn't say whether this would fit.  Thoughts?

  • I actually had the same thought about the single strings, but now my mind is traveling 10 miles a minute. Is it possible to add multiple strings to each area to create more colors, like red + blue = purple? Or what about using a "fade" controller to adjust the brightness with the color-changing string?  How many strings can connect together and what's needed to do this for use with only 1 controller?

    Right now I'm just in the planning stage since I too don't even own the set yet. But this is something that I will do eventually because I love how they make the Ice Sculptures at winter festivals light up and even change colors, and this is truly a set that would look great like this. So I'm gathering as much tips, advice, and figuring costs (especially now with the holiday season fast approaching) to get to a final result that I can be happy with. I'm sure it'll be after the New Year before I start working on this and any input that you have about lighting it up would be greatly appreciated.

    I can understand the lack of interest for a true light kit for this specific set and definitely respect the sets and small kits that you do design, and couldn't agree more with your decision. I thank you for your ideas and any tips about what is possible with connections with the smaller kits would help out greatly, not just for this set, but for anything I might try to tackle with lighting ideas.

  • Tracy Myers Absolutely, multiple strings could be added.  Or possibly even just multiple color-changing spotlights like we have in the Disney and Hogwarts kits?  I'm not sure how many potential light "points" there are in the castle.  We can do pretty much anything :-) so keep the ideas coming!

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