Lights to Use for #10179 (UCS Millennium Falcon)

Often, we are asked, "what lights do you recommend for the UCS Millennium Falcon?"  While we don't have this set in our shop (someday we will!), we have worked with a number of customers over the years to develop a sort of reference design for lighting the set with the most popular options.  That document is attached.  In the end, different people will select different options based on budget and the overall final appearance they are seeking for their model (which is impacted by how people plan to display the model, whether they need the setup to be swooshable, etc.).  This is just a guide.

We don't sell this as an off-the-shelf lighting kit, but we are able to provide custom pricing if you are interested in purchasing for use in your own set (contact us through our website for details).

Hopefully this is helpful for customers looking to bring their own sets to life.  If anyone has comments or questions about the attached design, or if you have lit your Falcon using Brickstuff lights, please let us know and post photos of your results!

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  • Thanks! This was super helpful. I ended up simplifying the setup to do engine lights, headlights, a cockpit light, and a top gunner turret light. Here's a wiring diagram that others may find useful if they're just getting started:

    More pics can be found on my post here:

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  • 7 yrs agoLast active
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