Lighting the Technic Bucket Wheel Excavator #42055

We've received several questions about how best to light the massive 42055 Bucket Wheel Excavator model.  While we don't have a specific lighting kit for this model, the good news is that, as a realistic model, it already has elements that are intended to be lights in the real-world model, so we can model from those.  Also, the lights in the model make use of Technic half-pins, and our Pico LEDs fit nicely on top of half pins.

The lights in the original model use two half-pins mounted inside Technic Cross Blocks.  On top of the half pins, a 1x2 black plate is placed, then two trans-clear cheese slopes on top.

To modify these lighting assemblies to work with Pico LEDs, replace the 1x2 black plate with a 1x2 trans-clear plate.  To mount the LEDs, thread the Pico LED cable through the hole in each half pin, seat the LEDs on top of the half pins in each assembly, then snap the 1x2 trans-clear plate on top, followed by the original trans-clear cheese slopes from the kit.

Here's a quick illustration for comparison:

 In total, there appear to be 11 of these lighting assemblies on the model.  That's 22 Pico LEDs, assuming you wanted to light up every one.  We'd recommend using cool white LEDs for these vs. warm white.

To connect everything, use a mixture of 1:9 adapter boards (for areas where a lot of LEDs need to be connected in close proximity), 1:4 adapter boards, or 1:2 adapter boards.  Use extension cables (12" or 24") to connect all runs back to a single 1:8 adapter board, which could then connect directly to the Power Functions Battery with our PF Power Supply.

Since we don't have the model built in our shop, we're not able to specify which cable lengths and adapters would work best within the model.  the plugs on our Pico LEDs are small enough to fit through Technic pin holes, so cables can be easily coiled and concealed in the model.

Coming later in January 2017, we will be selling 4-packs of cool white Pico LEDs with either 12", 6", or 3" wires.  You could use a combination of these depending on where you wanted to situate your adapter boards-- again, because we don't have the actual model, we're not able to specify a complete parts list.

Best recommendation would be to wait until the 4-packs of cool white Pico LEDs are available in our online shop (or the shop of our European or Australian resellers), then pick up a mixture of 4-packs, adapters, and connecting cables along with the PF power supply to start.

If someone has already added Brickstuff lights to their Excavator, please add to this thread and post photos!

Maybe we'll pick this model up the next time LEGO had a 2x VIP point sale....

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  • Hi everyone, well it has been some time since we last posted about the magnificent Excavator kit!  In that time, we have acquired the model and assembled it, but have not yet had time to light it up.  Thankfully, one of our customers, Ronald D., sent us a few questions and followed the basic advice above and lit his Excavator with great results.  Ronald generously sent us a write-up and some photos of his work.  I'm posting them here in the hopes that others may also try lighting their Excavator!

    The text below is from Ronald's write-up.

    Overall Goal:
    Install a clean Brickstuff lighting effects arrangement to my Lego 42055 excavator, utilizing the Brickstuff Lighting Effects Controller (LEC) to control visual lighting effects.  Complete the installation of lighting connections to two (2) common inter-connection adapter boards. Both adapter boards are connected in turn to the “Light Effect Controller” (LEC), and the main power source. Mindful not to entangle lighting adapter board to 1-8 breakout adapter wiring in the rotating mechanisms of the excavator, I divided lighting adapter board connections between the left and rights sides of the excavator superstructure, connecting to the 1-8 breakout adapter boards mounted on the lower back edge assembly of the excavator super-structure.

    Specifically, I connected all 24 light pairs plus one interior cab light to 13 adapter boards, (mounted discreetly with sticky squares) from all but two lighting adapter boards. I ran dedicated connections on the inside right and left side of the excavator superstructure to one of two 1-8 break-out adapters mounted on each lower back edges of the excavator superstructure.  Addressing the remaining 2 (Rear) lights adapters, connections are run along the right and left sides of the excavator platform connecting to each 1-8 breakout adapter. Next to the last step I ran the pair of cables from the 1-8 adapter boards to the Light Effect Controller mounted on rear left side of the excavator, finally connecting the Light Effect Controller to the main excavator power source utilizing a power functions cable.  

    Assembly Specifics:

    1.     24 Cool White Lights in 12 light assemblies (2 lights per) as follows

    2.     12 1x2 clear transparent bricks added to light assemblies

    3.     24 half pins for threading Lights

    4.     2 light assemblies mounted in the front of the excavator (either side of the excavator wheel), 1 light assembly mounted on top of the driver’s cab, and 1 light assembly center mounted between the excavator drive tracks.

    5.     1 Warm White Light to illuminate the inside of the driver’s cab. ( I used a half pin mounted inside the cab)

    6.     4 top mounted light assemblies, and 2 side mounted light assemblies, (excavator super-structure.

    7.     2 light assemblies mounted on the rear of the excavator platform.

    8.     1 Light Effect Controller (LEC).

    9.     1 power cable connected to the Lighting Effect Controller


    Brickstuff / Lego Parts List:

    1.     Qty=1 Lighting Effect Controller (LEC) e/w standard connectors
    See instructions for “LEC” controller operation

    2.     12 Lego 1x2 clear transparent bricks (see note below)

    3.     25 Lego light assembly half pins (see note below)

    4.     Qty=24 Cool White Pico Lights LEAF01-PWC

    5.     Qty= 1 Warm White Light Pico LED

    6.     Qty=13 Adaptor Boards BRANCH03 (A3)

    7.     Qty=13 6-inch or 12- inch (your choice) 2-Conductor Connecting Cable (e/w standard connectors)

    8.     Qty =2 24 inch connecting cables (e/w standard connectors)

    9.     Qty =2 1-8 Breakout Adaptors e/w standard connectors

    10.  Qty=1 Power Functions Power (Constant Power Output) e/w standard connector

    11.   Qty= 13 Sticky Squares minimum

    Note:  See “Online user forum” lighting the Technic 42055 Bucket Wheel Excavator

    Here are photos of the final installation:



      Thanks again to Ronald for sharing the results of his great work!

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