Micro-LEC Dual Antenna Beacon

First of all, cool LEC - love it!
Question: did y'all find a (better) way to hide the wires? Or in the promo shot on the product image, are the wires just running down the back?
Given these are held together by rods, I'm trying to find a hidden-wire approach and it's not going well. Heck, I've tried to even put a trans-red rod in there and light from below, but the whole darn cone lit up.
This is where I'm at today -- granted, I can hide the wires within the base of the top floor with the soffit (that's my fancy word for the day), but they'll still be running down the back...
Is it just me? ;)
Hi Paul George , thanks for sharing your in-progress photo! It’s a tight squeeze, but in general, you do not need to fear the rod! Attached are some photos of how we wired up our beacons. Just start slow, from the top, and especially with the LBG platters (where there is a little extra room for wires because of the “X” axle hole used with a round rod), make sure to run the wires wherever there is a little extra room. The wires can take a lot of abuse and squeezing next to rods, flick missiles, etc., so give it a try and let us know if it works.