London Tower Bridge Lighting # 10214

Hi everyone

Only yesterday I finally finished building the Tower Bridge set. Now I have checked out some Youtube videos which show the Tower Bridge with nice lights on it. Could please somebody recommend me a combination of Brickstuff lighting sets, so I can add it to my Tower Bridge as I have absolutely no experience. I would like to highlight the two towers, the connection of the two towers (top) and the "ropes" if you may call them like that on the sides.


More or less just like this picture on the front page of .


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  • Hi Russell, thanks for your posting!  The photo you linked was made by one of our customers in Asia.  I don't know specifically how they lit each part of the bridge, but it looks like a combination of Pico LEDs and light strips.  We have the Tower Bridge set in our shop but have not assembled it yet-- we will post more when we do.

    To get started with our lights is very easy.  The customer above ordered our Pico LED Light Board starter kit and also a Light Strip starter kit-- from there they experimented and fit the lights into their Tower.  The Tower has much open space inside, which makes installing lights and running wires easy.

    What additional lights/effects did you want to have for the connection between towers, and for the chains on either side?  More of a string of lights?  Please let us know-- very interested to hear your thoughts.

    Thank you again for posting!

  • Thank you for the answer.

    For the top connection and the chains i would like to have single LEDs (below), a string of lights so to say.


  • Russell Browne Thanks for the photo!  This helps clarify.

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