DIY Pico LEDs Daisy Chained


I was looking at your DIY products as was wondering if your DIY Pico lights can be connected in chain? Think Christmas lights.  

I'm comfortable with soldering and was interested in using the 0.15mm wire and soldering lights in line every few inches to make lights for my winter village this year. Would likely make a few chains of up to 10 lights turning out roughly 12 inches long. I would then use expansion boards to connect them together and integrate other Pico and LED light strips to power source(s).

Would each micro plug be capable of powering a strand of lights or are they designed specifically for capacity of a single Pico light?

Has anyone from Brickstuff, or this forum, attempted this before?

Could someone shed some light on this for me?



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  • Check out the string lights that Brickstuff sells:

    They're available in all white, or in color changing.  They are small enough to fit through a 3mm hole, and they look really great!

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  • John Gerlach Thanks for the information and links. Not sure how I missed these!! I'm still going to try to make some of my own as I've already ordered the materials. Time will tell how it all goes.


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  • Paul Fowler Hi Paul, thanks for your post.  To answer your question about the DIY string, yes you could definitely use our Pico LEDs on a panel + the 0.15mm magnet wire + a Pico LED wire with plug to make a string of any (within reason!) length.  I'd say you could probably get up to 15 Picos on a single string, more if you put one Pico power plug at each end of the string and supplied power from both ends.  As long as you're comfortable soldering, you'd just need to un-twist the magnet wire where you wanted to mount the LED, solder the wire to the tabs on the back of the 4mm round Pico LED PCB, and you'd be set.  If you do make these, it would be great if you could share some photos here on the forum-- I know others would love to see the result!

    Good luck, and let us know if you have any additional questions.

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  • Rob Klingberg Thank you for getting back to me with detailed specs on the capabilities of the Pic LEDs, and the suggestion of potential power supplies at each end. I will absolutely post pics when I'm finished making these lights.

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