Falcon Kit Feeback

A truly awesome kit!!!  A++++    Below are some minor comments I have:

1.  Power:  I combined the two power lines and supply power with a single 20W USB module.  I have no issues with it.

2.  I installed the second laser cannon.  Unfortunately, the top cannon fires less with the lower cannon installed and activated.  Since it is hard to see both cannons at the same time, you hear cannon bursts but no lights, unless you stare horizontally at the Falcon.  I deactivated the lower cannon as a result.  I suggest a rapid-fire mode.

3.  Installed motorized ramp kit.  To maximize torque, I locked the driveline with two posts to stop the servo from moving, and kept the driveline straight.  Locking the servo will also work.  In either case, my sticking ramp no longer gets stuck.

4.  I installed another landing light directly in front of the lower cannon with the provided spare LED provided.  Helps to see the lower cannon.

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  • Thank you Al Bartholic for the feedback-- we're thrilled you are enjoying the kit!  Glad to hear you are not having issues with a combined power supply (as a general rule we've always suggested to keep supplies separate, primarily so there's sufficient power delivered but that's not an issue with your 20W USB!).

    Interesting point about the lower cannon.  Yes, true, when both cannons are activated, firing cycles between the two randomly.  When you say "rapid-fire mode," do you mean have both cannons fire together as something that could be selected?

    Thanks again for the tips about the ramp-- very helpful!

    Excellent use as well of the spare LED light!

    Enjoy your Falcon, and thank you again for supporting us by purchasing the kit!

  • Rob, I was suggesting speeding up the firing rate since, in my opinion, it will only be firing for a demo to visitors, which will be short time...so more bursts!!!.  Simultaneous would be another option.  BTW, you sounds and engine lights are over the top outstanding.  My guests are extremely impressed!

  • Al Bartholic Ah, ok, thanks for the clarification.  I see what you mean and can see how a more rapid firing rate would keep things more interesting.  Glad your guests are impressed with the sounds!

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