Sealed lights - epoxy - gonna get weird?

Yes, I’m still alive.  LEGO woefully neglected during a fitful bout of adulting.  But a project idea has gone from simple (table for the fire station) to a river center table concept to a vinette of fire/medical scenes on the epoxy center.  And where I have LEGO, I have BrickStuff lighting.  😁

The question: anyone have experience in encapsulating BrickStuff lights and/or wires into epoxy?  Yes, we’re going to do an end-to-end test, just trying to figure out any pitfalls I may be overlooking.

I figure LEDs don’t heat, figure the wires may need to be protected (?) from the pour’s heat during curing.  But that’s all I thought of.  So far…?

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  • Hi Paul, I have not tried this— we switched from having our lights epoxy-covered at the factory to no covering. I say try it and see what happens. Unfortunately I don’t have a type or brand of epoxy to recommend. But if you reach out to Tommy Williamson (, he may have some recommendations.

    Keep us posted!

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