Kessel Run Millennium Falcon (75212)

I’d like to share a few pictures of my Kessel Run Millennium Falcon (75212). The light installation is a combination of ideas from several different web sites and my own. I had some Brickstuff parts on hand and ordered everything else from this site. It’s not nearly as sophisticated as the Brickstuff Millennium Falcon (75192) Lighting Kit, which I do have.

I installed the lights as my 5-year-old and I assembled the Lego set. We are both pleased with this project.

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  • Very well done - nice job!

  • Great job Bill Ryan , thanks for sharing!

  • That really looks good! I like how the escape pod has it's own lighting.

  • It looks awesome! That is better if you are going to add lighting, add them as you are putting together, this way don't have parts and forgetting where everything goes, lol. I did that with a few sets and I had to get the instructions back out, lol

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
  • 4Replies
  • 348Views
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