Mercedes Arocs Truck # 42043

We've received many requests to make a lighting kit for the LEGO® Mercedes Arocs truck (set #42043).  We've had the model in our shop for several months, thinking about how to create a kit that would be unique.  We wanted to include effects and remote control items (like turn signals and beacons).

After much testing and evaluation, we're close to finalizing what we think will be a great and unique kit in the market.  We're starting this Forum post so those who are interested can follow our progress and share their ideas and feedback.

One major consideration in the design of this kit has been the fact that some people (like us) choose to keep the model as a display/non-driving model, while others will be modifying their model following the advice of modders like Ppung Daddy ( to make their models movable.

 For those who choose to modify, we also need to take into account some will use the LEGO® Power Functions IR system, while others will use a 3rd party system like SBrick.

So, given all of that, how should we make a lighting kit?  These are the features we listed as "must haves":

  1. Working turn signals (front and back)
  2. Working headlights, upper front lights, and side running lights
  3. Rotating beacons
  4. Reverse lights

We tested several configurations of headlights, and in the end we decided to make a new assembly to include with the lighting kit that has four warm white Pico LEDs mounted into the large 2x2 round plate headlights in the truck.  Here are some (not so good quality) photos:

  Overall the headlight effect looks great.  We'll sell the lights pre-mounted into the headlight assembly.  The other LEDs we will be pre-mounting are the two front turn signal lights and of course the two top orange rotating beacons.

For the beacons, we will be using a new version that has four LEDs and one lighting pattern instead of the seven LEDs and 13 patterns our deluxe beacons have.  We made this decision for cost reasons-- each deluxe beacon sells for $49.99, whereas the basic beacons will sell for $18.99.  Overall the effect is very similar-- see this short video:

Here's a demo of the turn signals and backup (reverse) lights:

For the display model configuration, the system will utilize our infrared remote control module.  For the Power Functions IR or SBrick configurations, the system will utilize our new Power Functions power supply with variable/directional outputs.

Let us know your thoughts!  We expect this kit to be available later this month.  Price is TBD.

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  • Hey Rob Klingberg ,

    I finished the installation of the Arocs and I made some changes to get all main Controller an the Remotecontroller into the driver cell. Thanks for this great KIT! 

    Here is a video of the KIT in Action

  • Freakmaster Looks great!  Good work getting everything fitted in.  FYI if others are interested, I sent Freakmaster a version of this kit without instructions. There was only a wiring diagram included. Installation is relatively easy, so if anyone is interested in purchasing one of these kits as well, you can contact us at We do plan on creating documentation in early 2020 for the "final" kit.

  • Rob Klingberg 

    just for your information, I replaced one of the shorter cables with an 24“ cable.

    I could send you more photos if needed.

  • Freakmaster Yes please!

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