BrickScreen Introduction

In 2018, we began working with small organic LED (OLED) and LCD video screens as yet another way to add interest to LEGO models.  We published some videos of our early screen designs, and these were received extremely well by the community.  We also began getting e-mails from R/C airplane modelers, cosplay designers, and scale model builders, asking for screen designs aimed at their interests and the amazing things they created.

Thus was born the idea of "BrickScreens"-- small, full-color video screens that played various video simulations for use in models.  To support this new line of products, we have developed relationships with animators and creative designers around the world so we could create original, high-quality video animations to be loaded onto the screens.

Most of this work has been taking place behind the scenes, as our primary business is still lighting and effects.  Now, in early 2019, we are almost ready to launch BrickScreens officially.  We hope modelers of all types around the world will find the screens helpful ways to bring their creations to life.

We've created this category in our user forum as a place to have discussions about the products.  I realize it's hard imagining what these screens will look like and what they will do without seeing photos and videos-- those are in process, and we want to make sure we have all aspects of the product ready to go for the launch.  We're planning to have the first series of screens ready for launch in early March 2019, but there are already beta customers using the screens for their models today.  Keep an eye on this forum for more information about how they are using them, and let us know if you have any suggestions for videos and interfaces you'd like to see us create.

While the history of our company is closely tied to the LEGO community, I believe BrickScreens will be used by modelers of all types.

Stay tuned, sign up for this Forum, and subscribe to this topic to keep up with all the latest news.  I think you're going to love our screens!

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  • Nice stuff, I would like to get a HUD and Instrument panel for my 1/10 scale Freewing A-10 Thunderbolt II.  Any Ideas for the pilot’s visor maybe showing an internal HUD?  I am game for purchasing these when available.

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  • Same here. I do think about having these screens in my Freewing A-10 as well as Freewing F-4

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  • Definately interested in your screens for a number of models of different scales from 1/4 to 1/9th scale .... having seen the size of screens you have available these should fit most applications but may need a few more sizes adding to give a Full coverage of scales. As to what needs to be shown on them.... this varies from moving map displays  to things like engine parameter pages and weapons load out pages...... hope this helps

  • Philip Male Thanks Philip-- definitely helpful!  What other screen sizes do you think would be useful?

  • Darth Chorizo Thanks for your suggestions and interest.  Tell me more about the idea for the internal HUD?  Does something like this exist today in the RC world, or are there any video examples you can send?

  • Hi guys, I understand that you are working on a `DRADIS screen for 1/18 scale Viper MkII. I have recently spoken to  Tony Celliers, who gave me the link to this site.  When is it likely to be available to purchase, please?

  • Tony Daniels Thanks for your interest, just responded to your post on the related thread.  Soon! :-)

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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