Ninjago arcade screens

Which of the OLED screens would be the best fit for the Ninjago arcade enclosures?

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  • Hi Larry, that's a great question!  We ordered one of the cabinets ourselves, and it just arrived today in the office.  I see you ordered a 1.44" screen yesterday.  It looks like the "screen" in the arcade cabinet is a standard 4x3 window panel.  I'm attaching our list of screen sizes that shows the viewable area for the 0.96" and 1.44" screens as well as several others.

    We won't be able to try the fit until next week-- what do you think after looking at these screen sizes?

  • I think the 1.44" will fit.  I'll let you know after I try it.

  • Larry Andersen I tried the 1.44" in the arcade cabinet.  The screen is set up in landscape mode, when it looks like it needs to be set up in portrait mode instead.  The viewing area is 128x128 pixels, so it's square.  I need to see if I can change the orientation without needing to re-encode all of the videos (which took weeks originally).  I'll let you know.

  • Will that mean not much more than swapping out the memory card?

  • Larry Andersen Ah, were it only that easy!  Because of the way the vendor makes the screens, there are two things that need to be updated: 1, the files on the SD card and 2, the program code in the display's RAM.  I was able to get the new version working this past weekend, so if you'd like to send your screen back to us, I can re-flash it and return it.

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  • I'll try to get it in the mail this week.

  • Larry Andersen Sounds good.  I was able to test-fit the screen into the arcade cabinet yesterday-- fits like a glove.  Here's a quick demo:

  • Received the modded display.  Not sure what's wrong but it's still in portrait mode and also doesn't fit the cabinet in landscape format, too wide by about .05"

  • Larry Andersen Hi Larry, portrait mode is the "new" mode.  The old mode was landscape, which as you noted is too wide.  Here are some photos of how I installed it into my cabinet:

     If you keep the platform attached to the bottom of the cabinet interior, it makes a good place to wedge the bottom of the board.  Then just use two sticky squares or similar to keep the board in place-- you need to place it at an angle so it tilts toward the rear.

    Let me know if this makes sense.  Thanks!

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