Wiring the Capitol / Capitol for modular transport and setup

First, there are 150 lights all together in this portion of the National Mall.  72 of them are in the Capitol itself.  When assembled, this is a little less that 3 ft. wide, a little more that 2 ft. deep and 9 inches tall.  It breaks down into 4 pieces: Capitol Hill south, Capitol Hill north, the Capitol proper and the Capitol dome.  

All the sections are wired to be independent of the others using only the magnetic power connectors to hook everything together.  It's been quite the experience figuring out how to build and wire this with a minimum of tricky wire runs and complex connections.

It's actually modular on a deeper level.  Capitol Hill north and south are made up of five different elevation sub-sections.  They are wired to be independent of the other elevation sub-sections.  That means if anything goes bad, I don't have to disassemble the entire section, only pull the sub-section and fix it.  (Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the Capitol proper.)


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  • Just amazing to see how all of this is put together-- a true masterpiece!  And there also does seem to be something poetic about the land the Capitol sits on being able to split right down the middle, doesn't there?  😂

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