New Brickstuff Helpdesk and Emails

Has anyone sent an email to Brickstuff support since June 18th?  It appears that, with the new Helpdesk software, when you send an email it automatically opens a ticket in the system with the contents of the ticket being your email.  I found an email I sent was turned into a ticket, but I am not getting any response.  Anyone else seeing this?

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  • Hi Roy Brewer , very sorry for the delay.  June has been our busiest month in 5+ years, with two shows in the month (we haven't done a show in 2.5 years).  We've been swamped.  I'm literally the only person in the company who responds to technical e-mails and custom requests, so I'm just now getting caught up again.  I see your e-mails and will be responding soon (likely later today).  We'll definitely get you taken care of-- apologies once again for the long silence.  Things should be calmer now for a bit.  👍

  • Rob,

    I know you are still extremely busy.  I responded Tuesday June 28th to your last email.  Can I get an order placed for the cables I need?  This is what I would like to order:

    • (QTY=30) Individual 5cm Pico-to-Pico Cable
    • (QTY=15) Individual 15cm Pico-to-Pico Cable
    • (QTY=25) Individual 30cm Pico-to-Pico Cable

    I also need two (2) of the BRACH10 boards.  Do you have an idea as to when you will have more of those available?

    As for the lighting of the docking bay door, I am not worried about the 12v power requirement - more concerned about the cost. So yes, when you have a chance, I would be interested to know what the cost of that setup would be.  FYI - there was no photo attached to your email.

    Thank You Rob!

  • Roy Brewer Thank you Roy for your supreme patience.  I'll send the invoice yet today and reply to your e-mail on our helpdesk system.  Finally digging out from an extremely crazy June!  😋

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