Maersk Container Train #10219


BrickStuff Parts needed:


  • 6 Cool White Pico LED Lights
  • 2 Red Pico LED Lights
  • 1 LEGO Power Functions Power Source v2 (Variable Outputs)
  • 1 4-Port Expansion Adapter Board with Micro Connectors
  • 2 Pico LED 1:2 Adapters
  • 3 1.5" Extension Cables

Additional (replacement) LEGO Parts needed:

  • 1 white 2 x 6 technics plate (replaces standard 2 x 6 white plate)
  • 1 black 2 x 6 technics plate (replaces standard 2 x 6 black plate)

Drill holes

Take the 4 angle brackets holding the ditch lights and drill a 7/64in (3mm) hole through the open stud.  Thread a cool white pico LED through the resultant hole and cover with the trans clear 1 x 1 round plate.

Take the 2 1 x 2 Black Plates and drill a 7/64in (3mm) hole through the stud.  It is best todo this from the backside as the hole is already started, this will help center it.  Take one of the these plates and thread a cool white pico LED through each hole and replace the trans clear 1 x 1 round plate.  With the other plate, feed the 2 red pico LEDs through each hole and replace the trans clear 1 x 1 round plate.

Take the 2 x 3 Plate and drill a 3/16in (5mm) hole, also starting from the back.  Use the tubes in the back to center the hole.  You are going to make what should look like a 2 x 3 Technics Plate (if one existed).

Cab assembly

Take the 1 x 2 plate assembly with the cool white LEDs and run the wires through the 2 x 3 Tecnhics plate.

Then run the wires through the 1 x 2 Brick with studs on 2 sides, having the connectors inside the cab. 

Run the wires through the back wall just below the 2 x 3 inverted slope.  I have removed a  1 x 2 brick to allow the cable to move as I take off the cab or put it back on.

Rear light assembly

Take the rear assembly and replace the 2 x 6 plates with the 2 2 x 6 Technics plates.  Then take the other 1 x 2 plate assmblly (the red LED one) and feed the wires through the same technics hole. 

Then put the bracket/ 1 x 2 brick assembly pushing the wires against the back of the white technics plate so it comes out on the bottom. 

Then run the wires under the battery and IR receiver.

Ditch lights

Take off the 2 2 x 6 x 2/3 bracket pieces under the battery.  Take 2 of the bracket assemblies and put them back on the rear of the base.  Run the wires through the middle hole and pass by the 2 2 x 6 x 2/3 brackets left. 

Replace the 2 other brackets and run the wires under the battery and IR receiver.  

Attach LEDS to one of the 1:2 Pico adapter to mark these wires are the rear ditch lights.

Take the 2 other bracket assemblies and put them on the front of the train base.  Feed the wires through the centermost hole and it should be a clean shot into the inside of the model.


Attaching LEDs

Take the 4-Port Expansion Adapter and plugin the 2 cab lights and the 2 front ditch lights.  Then take one of the 1.5" cables and attach the unused 1:2 Pico adapter.  To that adapter, plugin the red LED cables from the rear.  Then take another 1.5" cable and plug into the one open plug on the 4 port adapter and the other end should be plugged into output 1 of the Power function adapter board.

Take the last 1.5" cable and plugin the other 1:2 Pico adapter cable and the other end into output 2 of the Power Functions adapter.

Lastly plug the Power functions adapter on top of the power motor on the IR Receiver.  If you have 2 motors plugged in there, you will need to trim off part of the 1 x 2 x 3 Wall panel. 

You will also have to remove the 2 x 4 Black Technic plate that is holding on the fan assembly.


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  • Thanks Jim Pirzyk for the great work and the great write-up!  Would love to see a video of the directional lights in action! 😎

  • Rob Klingberg It maybe a bit, our next show is not until October.

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