LEGO Disney Train 71044
OK, so this is an absolutely magnificent set! I'm currently in the process of building it, and I already have many ideas about how we could make this set even more amazing.
As always though, I want to hear from YOU. What features would you like to see in this set that would make it even more special to you? Unfortunately because LEGO changed the motor and control system in the train to the new Powered Up system, which does not allow for stacking connector plugs, we probably can't connect directly to the LEGO power source, but we're looking at alternatives to add lights and maybe even SMOKE to the engine and train.
Please post your thoughts below, and as always thank you for your passion and input!
Gonna be a busy end of year with Hogwarts and now the train. The way the train station is lit at Disneyland seems to be strip lighting. Almost like white Christmas lights all around the edges. At night, later, when the park is closed, they usually only have the 'Christmas lights' and the clocks lit to make a really neat silhouette. All the lamps, lanterns and typical lights are turned off. Maybe it's possible to have a remote option for 'open' vs. 'closed'? The smoke idea would be great. Thank you so much!!
I put a pico in the headlight, and ran the wire back to the cab to a coin cell pack. It looks very nice and the wire is barely visible.
I might extend the wire to the tender and put the battery in there, but for now I like it in the cab because it's super easy to get to the on/off switch. I had to move engineer Mickey back to the blue&white car though.
I also bought some rechargeable 2032 batteries to try out. Hopefully they work. -
Rob - LMB came up with this cable. https://www.lightmybricks.com/products/lego-powered-up-cable-power-functions-2-0. Can you do something similar? Its a pretty good solution? Also, what is the timing for your kit?
Chris Cooper yeah I feel the same way. I told my wife after the Disney castle and hogwarts I was done with legos. Now look at me creepin on this thread lol.
I already showed her how cool the train was and she rolled her eyes lol.
Rob Klingberg that extra track that they sell on lego is the same kind in this set?
John Haley Those are both great suggestions. Right now I don't know how you'd accomplish the first suggestion without switching the power (motor, etc.) back to the old Power Functions system, unless you think people would be willing to cut off the Powered Up plug on the motor in the engine? As for having sound onboard, that's also something we're looking at longer-term, though that too would likely require swapping out the LEGO Powered Up elements and replacing them.
Do you think people would be willing to do this?
I switched the train motor to an old metal-wheel 9volt motor, and put a coin cell battery in the tender to power the locomotive headlight. I used the sticky squares to put the board on the pivoting part of the main wheels, so the wire connector is easy to get to.
I also put a second coin cell pack in the last car, and lit the two lanterns on the rear of the train. I should update that one to also light the 'drumhead'.
I found some rechargeable coin cells that I use for both packs. They're good for about two hours and only take about a minute to swap. -
Any way to possibly sync light sequence and effects to the castle lights? Could be a mini upgrade for the castle kit at the same time 😁 Once the train station light kit is ready I'm thinking of displaying them together sort of like a mini Magic Kingdom. Would be nice if aesthetics wise, the lights for both set are balanced.