Mega Construx Halo Energy Sword

Hello, are there plans for an led kit for the mega construx energy sword?

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  • Hi, thanks for the question.  Yes, that's on our list for mid-2022-- the global electronics parts shortages slowed us down in 2021 but we still want to bring this to production.  If you haven't seen it yet, here's a demo video:

  • Hello any update on this?

  • Jax Teller Hello, yes after more than a year of working to get our new prototypes, we're finally close to having them ready to show.  I know it's been a very long wait but we needed to make sure we could get parts on the market (electronic parts) that would let us make the main controller board and speaker small enough to blend in with the sword.  Definitely still working to have this kit ready-- ETA at present is likely Jan/Feb 2023.

  • Rob Klingberg is it out yet?

  • Jax Teller Hello, we're finally making progress on launching our new products as you might have seen from the website-- the Energy Sword will be part of our 2023 releases, but at this time I'm not able to say exactly when we'll have it ready.  I know it's been a long time, and I'm grateful for everyone's patience.  We're still looking to get this ready for fans as soon as we can!

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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