Pico to Standard Adapter Cable

I have the SEED13xs, which is supposed to support up to 4 lights, but has only 2 pico connectors. I ordered the BRANC03 Adapter Board, outputs are pico, but the input is standard. I can't find an adapter, so do I have to make my own, are they not available, or is there another splitter made for the pico-connector power units?

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  • Hi Chris, thanks for your message.  Looking at your comments and then also at the product page for the SED13XS, I see my mistake.  You are correct that the board does only have two connectors, and I see I indicated that the board supports up to four lights.  We are releasing a new style of lights this spring that are pre-wired into groups of 2, in a "Y" configuration going back to a single Pico plug-- that is why I put the number 4 in the product description, and I now see how that is confusing.  Apologies for that.  What I can do is make you two Pico-to-standard cables that will allow you to use the parts you have.  Will that work?  If so I can send a PayPal invoice to you for the two cables.

    Thank you, and apologies once again for the confusion.

  • Rob Klingberg Pico connectors 'Y' to two lights is a much better solution. I'm going to keep the splitter. May useful in a future project. ;)
    Since I'm just in my design phase, trying to create all the 3d files for print, I just ordered stuff so I could model the parts and design how they will be installed into the terrain sets, so no worries at this time.

  • Chris Lewis OK, sounds good.  Of course you could always make your own cables too with these two parts:



    What 3D project are you making?  Would love to see more details!

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