Lights for the Mercedes Benz Actros and Nooteboom Ballasttrailer from Jaaptechnic

Hello Everyone,

for a couple of months I finished this model of a Mercedes Benz Actros 10x4 Truck with the 7-axle Nooteboom Ballasttrailer from Jaaptechnic. I really like this model because it’s looks and functions like a real truck. And I now I want to the lightning system I saw in the original video from him. Now here are my questions: 

1. Which parts are used in the original version from Jaaptechnic (the yellow one on the pictures) lights, extension cables, controls, power supply? 
2. Can you tell me how much it will cost for both truck and trailer? 
3. How do I have to install the lights and controls ( connect them to a power supply and how can I control them with SBrick) ?  

Thanks in advance 

Greetings from Germany, 
Justin Voell

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  • Hello, thank you for the question-- that is a beautiful tractor and trailer!  We have been making an updated lighting system since the original video was made, and now we will be building the trailer ourselves so we can make a proper kit.  Bricks have been ordered for the trailer (we already built the tractor many years ago) so if you are willing to be patient for a while we can update the information as we build the trailer and do the installation ourselves to make a great kit.

    We have been debating to order the bricks now for a long time, so your request has made us decide to do it!  Thank you.

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  • Rob Klingberg Hello Rob, thank you for replying to my request. I’m glad to hear that my request is crucial to continue your project to make a light kit for the nooteboom Ballasttrailer and I‘m very excited that there will come a lightning kit for my project. This request should only serve as a demand and should not be used to create any time pressure. Of course, I will wait patiently so that the quality of the product does not suffer. 

    So thank you for answering and I‘m excited how the new kit will look like.  

    Greetings from Germany 

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  • Thank you for your interest-- the bricks are on order and should arrive soon.

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    • Tristan
    • Tristan.1
    • 1 mth ago
    • Reported - view

    Dear Rob, I am also interested in the lightning kit for the MB Actros and trailer, since I am building these nice models aswell.  Is the lightning kit already available?

    Greetings from Tristan from the Netherlands

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