Cell Battery to Power Functions adapter cable

Who thinks we can use a cable that links like standard power functions to a standard 9-volt cell battery? I believe that there are some opportunities to be had. Plus, some 12-volt battery packs I have seen are not only AA, but some even have that cell battery adapter on them as well.

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  • Hi there, thanks for the suggestion!  We've actually made these in the past for customers on a custom basis, and we're working on a whole new series of adapters that will let people power anything from pretty much anything else.  So, think PF, PU, Control+, 9V LEGO...pretty much anything.  Stay tuned-- we're testing prototypes now.

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  • Also, just one more comment on the 9V battery idea.  Many people think 9V batteries are a great solution, which they are-- for some things.  Amp for Amp, however, AA batteries actually have more *power* (not voltage) than 9V batteries.  They are actually pretty disappointing when used with components like motors.  Much better are similarly-sized LiPo or LiFe (even better) battery packs-- these have a much higher energy density, and when using LiFe batteries, they don't have the same fire/shipping risks of LiPo batteries.  We're working with those also in our designs, to give people the widest array of options to power their stuff!

    (oh, also forgot to mention USB-to-PF) 馃槈

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    • Josh
    • Josh
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Rob Klingberg Craig Strader I can personally attest to the rather lackluster performance of 9v batteries. I have two trucks with similar lighting setups, one with 9v and one with twin AAAs. The AAA one lasts longer and stays brighter than the 9v does. This is because, on average, AAA batteries have double the capacity of 9v batteries (around 800-1200 mAh).  Rob mentioned AA and they are even better than AAA, with an average capacity of 2,000-3,000 mAh. Not only that, but 9v are the most expensive of the bunch. So in terms of performance and price, AAA and AA are the better options.

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  • I know that. But on places like Amazon, there are 12 volt AA battery packs that have a 9 volt cell battery adapter.

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