Haunted House # 10228

Only because it's nice to consolidate things here versus Instagram, y'know.

... but, if only there was a spooky way one could light up the 2012 spook-tactular build.  (Ghostbuster crews not included, though highly recommended...)

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  • Ask and ye shall receive!  We just opened pre-orders for a limited quantity of lighting and sound kits for the Haunted House.  This is our first sound-enabled kit and has to be heard to be believed!  Here's the link to the pre-order page: LINK.

    Here are some photos of the kit in action: (click on the product link above to see videos with sound on our main website)

         We're going to make a small batch of these kits now so we can ship them in time for Halloween, then if there's sufficient demand, we'll continue making more batches after Halloween.

    Have a look at the product page with videos and let us know what you think!

  • Pre-ordered, yea!!!

  • Rob Klingberg So sad I missed out on the initial batch of this! Any update to when a new batch might be coming out for pre-order? Thanks!

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  • Kevin Bottoms We're working on a new batch now.  Hopefully will be in stock by mid-July.  Thanks very much for your interest!

  • Rob Klingberg  Thanks for the update!  I've been keeping an eye on its product page as well as the billboard for the detective, I hope they both come back in stock soon!

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
  • 5Replies
  • 596Views
  • 4 Following