10249 Winter Village Toy Shop Christmas Tree
Hi all,
Sorry for the long absence but for my first creation in a while, I present you the Christmas Tree from the 10249 set all lit up. The parts I used were:
- 18 Pico LED lights
- 1 Micro LED light (can be another Pico LED)
- 1 1:2 Expansions Adapter
- 2 1:9 Expansion Adapter with Micro Plugs
- Controller cable from Brickstuff 2013 Limited Edition Holiday Kit: Lit Christmas Tree
The bottom 4 levels of the tree each have 4 LEDs on them. I attached adjacent LEDs to different 1:9 Expansion Adapters. The top layer of the tree only has 2 LEDs and the Micro LED is used to light the star topper.
The controller cable has 3 outputs (2 flashing, 1 steady). The steady connector is connected to the 1:2 Expansion Adapter and ultimately to the star topper. The 2 flashing output are connected to each of the 1:9 Expansion Adapters.
Each Pico LED is routed to the tree center and down to the lower levels based on any opening I found. On real close inspection you can see some of the wires (like from the Star topper).
The tree and baseplate will reside next to my Train Station (see the empty spot in pic #3) and will be on display at our Christmas show in December.
That is awesome! And even if not integrated into the build, just color the wires brown and call 'em roots!
My visions of sugarplums aren't so elaborate, though I am thinking to take the Halloween kit - in flight now - for parts for the holiday build [sans sound] and augment with some of the multi-color strings... but this is WAY cooler. 😀