Old Fishing Store # 21310

I'll be honest: this is probably -- by far -- my favorite set in recent memory*.  (* Ninjango City is in the corner next to build, but the bar's set pretty high.)

The build is in a dark corner, so naturally, lighting was essential.  I had to re-think it a bit given guidance from my 8-year-old Director of Play, who indicated she fully intended to frequently remove the upper tower, nixing the plans to light the tower and the exterior light alongside it.  But minor adjustments.

Net result: I strung in the main 24" power wire under the generous basement of arches, and brought it up behind the sales counter and into the ceiling (still not secured, awaiting the two burned out bulb LEC before securing everything inside).

Incoming power wire goes into a 2-LED strip light, and that passes by a 1.5" wire into a 4-port expansion adapter to feed the non-flickering lights (desk lamp and lamp along the MOC dock).  A second 1.5" will feed into the burned-out light bulb LEC, and that will make the front door and back area lights dance a little.  (The latter was relocated as pictured to accommodate the Director's plans for active use of the set.)


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  • Looks great!  Thanks for sharing the photos.  Can't wait to see how the burned-out bulb LEC looks installed!

  • Naturally, only a video would do that justice.  馃槈

    https://www.instagram.com/p/BbVEmcMHeFA (apparently Instagram videos aren't an embedded option... yet).

  • Paul George Fantastic!

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