Disney Castle Lights

I love the fibre optic add on kit that have been made for the Disneyland castle. I really would like to buy them. However, it says that you will need the lights/fireworks add on kit in order to use the fibre optic add on kit. 

Do I require any of the base kits for the lights/fireworks add on kits to work. Or can I simply buy the two add on kits without any issues?

I have already installed lights onto my Lego Disney Castle and that's why I don't want to buy the full set.  

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  • Hi Andrew, thank you for your post.  You are correct-- in order to use the fiber optic lights, you'll need the color-changing light set add-on, which itself requires the exterior light kit.  The way the effect works, it needs parts that are included with the color-changing set, and that set needs the parts that are in the exterior kit.  I know this probably doesn't meet your needs (since you have already added lights), and at some point we may look at making just a full set for the fiber optic sprays that includes the controller, etc., but right now we're heads-down making kits to fill the pre-orders.  After we get through the first three batches of pre-orders (likely by July), we'll be in a better place to look at alternate combinations of parts and lights.  If you're still interested in the fiber optic parts, the best option is to post again to this forum later in the summer.  Again, I know this probably doesn't meet your immediate needs, but if there is enough demand for just the fiber optic set, that's definitely something we could look at for future production.

    Again, thank you for posting!

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  • Hi 

    Im new on here so I'm hoping I'm posting in the right place. 

    I'm wanting to buy the early bird mega deal for the Disney castle but need it shipping to the uk. Will this mega deal be available through any uk suppliers anytime soon? I'm asking as the import taxes and duty will be rather high if I order direct from the USA 😩 

    Many thanks

  • Claire Walker Hi Claire, thanks for your post!  The mega bundle SKU will likely not be available through resellers, as it is a pre-order SKU sold direct through our site.  We expect to have kits ready to send to reseller later this summer, but after Monday (May 15), we will be removing the mega bundle from our site and consolidating SKUs.

    While I realize import duty from the US may be high, your order will qualify for free priority shipping, which is a huge savings in itself.  Until recently, this would have added almost $50 to the cost of your order, so hopefully that may help compensate for some of the duty to be paid.

    Thank you again for your post, and for your interest in our kits!

  • Rob Klingberg 

    hi rob. I'm trying to place my order for the mega bundle after you sent your reply but sadly it's not letting me add it. 😩 Can you let me know how I can possibly order if the link isn't working? I'm concious I only have until Monday. Thanks Claire 

  • Forgot to add I've been trying since you replied 😓

  • Claire Walker Sorry about this Claire!  Looks like our website said we were out of stock of the kits.  I've added some more into stock, so you should be able to order now.  If not, let me know.  Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience!

  • Rob Klingberg 

    Hi Rob.  Sorry to contact you on a Sunday but wanted to Thank you so much for getting back to me. I've manage to order the kit. Such amazing customer service. You put us to shame in the U.K.  Thanks again. Claire 🤗

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  • Claire Walker thanks for your order, and sorry again for the website trouble!

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