Lighting the Imperial Star Destroyer The Eviscerator from BrickVault



     I just purchased the instructions for this kit here: 

I'd really like to be able to light it as seen in the video.  Before buying the instructions, I reached out to BrickVault and asked if the instructions included the needed details on how to light the kit.  Here was their reply...


There are no lighting directions unfortunately. We got all our LEDs and connectors from, but there were a series of lights and wires left over from a much larger project so there is no one single kit with the exact parts.

The model is quite hollow on the inside with lots of room for threading LEDs through gaps behind the engines. All 7 of the LEDs are connected on a single board inside the main body with the power LED/USB power cord being the only thing to exit at the base of the model.


     Could someone suggest the kits or exact parts that I would need to get in order to accomplish this  lighting task?




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  • Hi, thank you for your message!  We're working on a kit for the "smaller" Star Destroyer (the standard UCS LEGO Set) and this kit should fit into the Brickvault set as well.  It will have many more features than the lights in the video.

    We're still finalizing this kit, but you can track our discussion in the User Forum here:

    Thank you again for your message!

    • Carl Hoff
    • Carl_Hoff
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks Rob.

        I'll likely wait until your ISD kit is ready, but I did get some more information from Brick Vault and they stated I was welcome to share.  Their latest response is below in case others finds this information useful.



    I'm giving them to you in order of installation roughly.

    These lights in white (7), looks like they come in packs of 10:

    One of these guys for all 7 lights + the power source to plug in:

    Single extension cable 24" (this is what plugs into the board):

    We used this extender to stitch the extension with the USB: though I think this guy is the exact part designed for this function:

    And lastly this USB cable: . There are plenty of power options out there, we strictly go USB in the studio.

    Here are some pics I found when troubleshooting the Update with 2mpaired a couple months ago. Wasn't trying to take pics for the electronics, they just ended up in the shots:


    The board looks slightly different in the pic, but on the site the description says something about how it's been updated to fit 10 pico connections.

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  • Carl Hoff Good stuff, thanks Carl for sharing.  Yes, you are correct, in recent months we have updated our BRANCH10 adapter board so that it now has 10 connectors instead of the 9 that were on the old version.

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